
CiscoChampion200PXbadge#CiscoChampion Radio is a podcast series by Cisco Champions as technologists. Today we’ll talk about Elastica, the Integration between Cisco ISE and Cloud Access Security Brokers, which gives administrators deeper visibility, security and control over access to cloud resources. Our Cisco SME will be Nitin Kumar, Cisco Service Deployment Manager, Cisco Cloud Web Security.

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Cisco SME
Nitin Kumar, Cisco Service Deployment Manager, Cisco Cloud Web Security

Cisco Champion Guest Hosts
Brad Haynes, @GK_bradhaynes, Client Solutions Specialist

Brian Remmel (@bremmel)

What is Elastica
Why Elastica
Features and Capabilities of Elastica
Elastica CloudSOC platform
Easily consumable data in Elastica GUI interface
Integration with other Cisco security products
Most surprising features in Elastica
Real world use cases for Elastica
Phases of the Cisco / Elastica Partnership
Running a risk assessment with Elastica



Rachel Bakker

Social Media Advocacy Manager

Digital and Social