
CiscoChampion200PXbadge#CiscoChampion Radio is a podcast series by Cisco Champions as technologists. Today we’ll be talking about the Talos Security and Intelligence Research Group with Sr. Technical Leader / Security Outreach Manager Craig Williams.

Listen to the Podcast.

Learn about the Cisco Champions Program HERE.
See a list of all #CiscoChampion Radio podcasts HERE.
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Cisco SME
Craig Williams, Sr. Technical Leader / Security Outreach Manager
Blogs by Craig Williams
Craig Williams (@security_craig) on Twitter

Cisco Champion Guest Hosts
Jake Gillen, @jakegillen, Senior Security Engineer

Brian Remmel (@bremmel)

What is Talos
Craig’s role at Talos
Five main responsibilities of Talos
How Talos differentiates itself
Important findings from this year
Craig’s biggest security concerns
How Talos research projects are prioritized
How Talos decides what security findings to share

Talos Overview
Talos Portal
Talos Blog


Rachel Bakker

Social Media Advocacy Manager

Digital and Social