
CiscoChampion2015200PX#CiscoChampion Radio is a podcast series by Cisco Champions as technologists. Today we’ll be talking about the Cisco UCS E-Series with Cisco Technical Marketing Engineers Kishan Ramaswamy and Tony Banuelos.

Listen to the Podcast.

Learn about the Cisco Champions Program HERE.
See a list of all #CiscoChampion Radio podcasts HERE.

Cisco SMEs
Kishan Ramaswamy, Cisco Technical Marketing Engineer
Tony Banuelos, Technical Marketing Engineer

Cisco Champion Guest Hosts
Michael Aossey, @aossey, Solutions Architect
Chris Nickl, @ck_nic, Cloud Infrastructure Architect
Jonathan Davis, @subnetwork, Network Planning Analyst

Lauren Friedman (@Lauren)

What is the UCS E-Series?
Form Factors: single-wide vs. double-wide
What is branch in a box?
Bundles with UCS E-Series blade
Unique feature set of UCS E-Series

Cisco UCS E-Series Servers
Data Sheets and Literature


Rachel Bakker

Social Media Advocacy Manager

Digital and Social