
#CiscoChampion Radio is a podcast series by Cisco Champions as technologists, hosted by Cisco’s Amy Lewis (@CommsNinja). This week we’re talking about Intelligent WAN (IWAN) with guest moderator, Cisco’s Lauren Friedman (@lauren)

Listen to the Podcastcisco_champions BADGE_200x200

Cisco Subject Matter Expert: Hugo Vliegen, Director of Technical Marketing

How IWAN benefits business
IWAN and Security
IWAN monitoring and configuration management
Levels of IWAN
How IWAN related to ACI

saintdle we now have a number of customers who have moved away from the cost of mpls and dedicated circuits, and use VPN instead,
Billyc5022 i will talk. I have built an iWAN lab in my office.
saintdle dont think we’ve have any customers who are on IWAN
NetworkingNerd Yes! It’s a V-R-F. NOT a “verf”.
Fish14   Yes yes, Tom
CommsNinja Go for it Billy!
subnetwork agreed!
ghostinthenet VRF ftw! I’ve been using them extensively for configurations for some time now.
ghostinthenet /me looks at Billy
CommsNinja networkingnerd–you’re a verf
skutzer We have many customers with Inter-Continental MPLS Connection and additional Backup Internet VPN Connection – So this Technology is very great!
CommsNinja Questions for the panel?
Billyc5022 anything except Prime!
skutzer 46% of Organizations are planning to transitition to Internet Connections
ghostinthenet They’ve worked really well.
Billyc5022 ghostInTheTalkShoe
ghostinthenet I use them to isolate Internet connectivity front the global routing table.
NetworkingNerd Amy Lewis: Chat Narrator.
CommsNinja Great Qs! Keep them coming!
Maher yes
NetworkingNerd Is IWAN OnePK enabled? Will we be able to integrate it with SDN solutions down the road? OpenFlow support at some point?
Maher aha
Maher yup, sure
subnetwork I was waiting for that question Tom. I knew it was coming.
williamcaban How does IWAN ACN (application centric networking) relate to ACI?
Fish14 Is that a “typical Tom” question?
Maher May I ask another question?
LaurenFriedman Yes
LaurenFriedman go for it MMaher
saintdle is logged into the chat
saintdle ok I give up trying to get a dial in to the call, i’ll just listen
Maher well, the automation capabilities of IWAN can actually mask network problems, making them invisible to network managers.
Maher Like one of the Internet connections could fail, but this could go unnoticed since all of the traffic would continue to go down the other pipe.
subnetwork not a typical tom question, per se. just a question that gets asked about every newer technology now
Maher how can we get over this?
subnetwork great question Maher
Maher Thanks, Subnetwork
Maher hmmm
skutzer the break even was 2002, when the Internet was reliable about 94%
LaurenFriedman @mpatters you have questions?
mpatters @LaurenFriedman I’m new to Talkshoe and this whole program. I’m listening. Our company focuses on the monitoring – AVC, PfR, WAAS all IPFIX exports
skutzer Great Wiki about IWAN: http://goo.gl/aZBRk5
skutzer Why is it limited to Router?
skutzer IS it also possible with ASAs?
LaurenFriedman Hugo is routing TME king
CommsNinja For those on the phone, don’t be shy, think up a question, let us know and we’ll call on you!
skutzer Why is IWAN limited to Cisco Router, is there als a future plan to get this on a Cisco ASA?
CommsNinja We are wrapping in 5, let’s hear those questions!
Maher @CommsNinja, maybe shy cuz they’ve got a French accent like mine
subnetwork ok, got one more
ghostinthenet With the overlap between routers and ASAs, a lot of people want to see everything implemented on both. They’re just not designed for the same thing.
CommsNinja We translate French and Italian here @Maher! (waves hands in air)
subnetwork I realize my question overlapped with many others…but I really wanted that sound bite.
saintdle I read through them for reference, to help with my designs,
saintdle or seeing how I can bring a customers network inline with CVD
saintdle it then makes it easier for our support to understand the network etc, if they have something its based from,
saintdle rather than thrown together hap-hazardly
skutzer Cisco Validated Designs for Enterprise WAN http://goo.gl/y7SZgh
saintdle that was a poor english accent
CommsNinja that was my english accent
saintdle customers like the reference to CVD’s, as it shows the investment behind the hardware, in terms of supported setups
CommsNinja Last call everyone! We’re wrapping in 3
Fish14 clap clap clap
Fish14 thanks
Maher Thank you so much!
skutzer regarding the channel stuff
skutzer who is the contact to get in touch?
ghostinthenet Thanks!
skutzer ligen@cisco.com
Maher ligen@cisco.com
skutzer great
skutzer thanks
mpatters thank you


Rachel Bakker

Social Media Advocacy Manager

Digital and Social