#CiscoChampion Radio is a podcast series by Cisco Champions as technologists, hosted by Cisco’s Amy Lewis (@CommsNinja). This week we’re talking about the Cisco Networking Academy.
Listen to the Podcast
Featured Guests:
Cisco Champions: Richard Grotegut (@OhloneRich), Ike Ozurumba (@IkeNetworkGuy)
Cisco Subject Matter Expert: Suzanne Jonas (@hitechzippy)
The early days of NetAcad and how it has evolved
How NetAcad helps I.T. students become more employable
How NetAcad connects NetAcad students to jobs
Updates to the new CCNA curriculum, like IPv6
New courses, like Entrepreneurship
Partnership with Linux Professional Institute, Linux Essential
CCNP program in UK; roll out to North America and Latin America
Tips for NetAcad students
@Amyengineer does Cisco Net Academy currently have any partnerships with VARs or would consider partnerships to get students more exposure to “real” networks?
@CommsNinja great question Amy!
@wifijanitor how high up in the certification chain does the NetAcad go too? NA, NP, IE?
@CommsNinja Questions? If you’re dialed in, let me know if you need unmuting to ask live!
@OhloneRich Up to NP including CCNA-Security and CCNA-Voip
@Rob_Coote Any plans for a CCNA/CCNP Apprenticeship program in North America similar to what was launched in the UK last year?
@CommsNinja I’m going to open up the floor to have Ike and Richard ask you all questions. 🙂
@ghostinthenet It’s something I’ve been wanting to get into my kids’ high school… but time is my enemy.
@subnetwork programming, ACI, Openflow, etc. etc.
@malhoit As part of the datacenter champs, I have to recommend that!
@subnetwork all require programming
@malhoit definitely! Python
@subnetwork yep!
@CommsNinja Rob is carrying the torch!
@malhoit automation
@ghostinthenet Python is cool. It would be even cooler if there was support for it outside of the modern interpretation of SDN.
@ghostinthenet As it stands, TCL is the only thing I can really use on the bulk of what I work with. 🙁
@malhoit Understanding applications
@WirelessStew Twitter is a good start
@Rob_Coote Your first maintenance window should not be done remotely. 😉
@malhoit being able to talk to application owners and systems admins and having an understanding of what they do (paraphrasing Greg Ferro)
@ghostinthenet Knowing the business needs before even thinking about technology is key.
@WirelessStew When looking to specialize in a field Voice / Wireless /DC / Video. You can do a deep dive on who’s who in via twitter and associated blogs
@ghostinthenet There’s a part of me that thinks CCDA should be a prerequisite to CCNA.
@malhoit So, in other words the opposite of most network engineers 😉
@CommsNinja The Twitterz: https://twitter.com/Cisco/lists/cisco-champions
@OhloneRich What about CCENT as a prerequisite to CCNA. The Academy provides CCENT and CCNA training.
@amyengineer don’t be afraid to fail. But always have a back out plan 😉
@ghostinthenet I’m a pre-CCENT guy, so I don’t know the curriculum…. but business understanding should be the core of any technology implementation.
@CommsNinja JD you are unmuted if you want to join in the fray!
@subnetwork thanks, may jump in
@wifijanitor MARCO
@mailhoit “Like a boss” =)
@ghostinthenet POLO
@hitechzippy www.netacad.com
@IkeNetworkGuy www.IkeTheNetworkGuy.com lots about my netacad/education program experience in there 🙂
@OhloneRich Ohlone College and Cal Poly Pomona are hosting a summer Academy Conference June 16 – 20. You can email me if you have an interest rgrotegut@ohlone.edu