#CiscoChampion Radio is a podcast series by Cisco Champions as technologists hosted by Amy Lewis (@CommsNinja). This week 25 Cisco Champions gather in a small room (aka the white box) at the Moscone Center. Topics: Cisco Live (#CLUS) and being a Cisco Champion.
Listen to the Podcast
Learn about the Cisco Champions Program HERE
Cisco Live and #CiscoChampion Highlights:
Tweetup at Social Media Hub
World Of Solutions
Team Building Improv Session
Yes and…
Scavenger Hunt
Geek Whisperers
Baas (Bacon as a Service)
CommsNinja Questions for the Champions
mbroeken My Question: Why are you all at Cisco Live and not me?
Guest 4 Oh whoops, 5 minutes in and my first HR activity …
vmcutlip Membership has its priviledges
Guest 4 @mbroeken, how do we get you here next year?
skutzer hi all
mbroeken My goal is to go to Milan Next year
skutzer greeting to CLUS
Guest 4 Anyone want to interrupt him with a “yes BUT”?
skutzer from here in Germany
daspader how do you mute out in this program?
daspader hey sven
Guest 4 @mbroeken, look forward to seeing CLMilan
skutzer Hi John!
skutzer Next Cisco Live is in Milan?
daspader Still waiting for the BaaS that Amy promised
mbroeken The EU one is
vmcutlip She has been promising the BaaS for at least 2 years ;(
vmcutlip Although I have enjoyed the R&D immensely.
vmcutlip And if you know Amy you know she will FORCE you into it.
vmcutlip The Baconator
mbroeken Hey is that mister Novak
skutzer Yes, he is also there…
skutzer How is it possible to sign for Cisco Milan 2015
daspader http://www.ciscolive.com/emea/
erickbe hi
skutzer thx for the link, but where can i Register for the Event?
CommsNinja any questions?
daspader Still waiting for the BaaS that Amy promised
mbroeken The EU one is
vmcutlip She has been promising the BaaS for at least 2 years ;(
vmcutlip Although I have enjoyed the R&D immensely.
vmcutlip And if you know Amy you know she will FORCE you into it.
vmcutlip The Baconator
mbroeken Hey is that mister Novak
skutzer Yes, he is also there…
skutzer How is it possible to sign for Cisco Milan 2015
daspader http://www.ciscolive.com/emea/
erickbe hi
skutzer thx for the link, but where can i Register for the Event?
CommsNinja any questions?
daspader Can someone post some vines or snippets of event floor this week?
pilotmike …you can also learn whole new words/phrases (Greg Ferro)
CommsNinja Yes!!
Guest 4 @pilotmike Heheh
Guest 4 @daspader – I’m seeing people with magic phones.
daspader yep, met so many smart people with great specialization, the people networking of CLUS and Cisco Champs has been so valuable
CommsNinja That is awesome feedback!! we are documenting for you guys!!
ahmadmanzoor All champions together, it’s nice to talk to U all
erickbe Nice call. I’ll be there next year.