
#CiscoChampion Radio is a podcast series by Cisco Champions as technologists hosted by Amy Lewis (@CommsNinja). This week Ed Saipech, Director of Applied Research at Savvis joins Cisco Champions Josh Atwell and Jeremiah Dooley. The topic is OpenStack.

Listen to the Podcast

Subject Matter Expert:
Ed Saipetch (@edsai), Director of Applied Research at Savvis

Cisco Champion:
Josh Atwell (@Josh_Atwell), Data Center Architect, Community Organizer, Blogger, Author
Jeremiah Dooley (@jdooley_clt), Technologist, Start-up Advisor, Seeker of Solutions, Cloud Architect

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Cisco Webex Cloud and OpenStack
Setting up development stack on OpenStack locally
Where to find useful information on OpenStack

CommsNinja anyone involved w openstack
tnewshott I’d love to get involved in OpenStack, considering I just got a 4 month crash course in vSphere, vCenter, and now vCNS
bwhaynes Q: What do you recommend for training or reading for people that are new to OpenStack?
@gallifreyan The translation model makes a lot of sense… as well as a feature overlap/overlay description.
tnewshott vBrownBag?
CommsNinja that is right
@gallifreyan http://openstack.prov12n.com/vbrownbag-podcast-couch-to-openstack/ has some links
tnewshott Awesome, thanks!
@gallifreyan Or maybe http://openstack.prov12n.com/openstack_phase_1/ … has more links.  There’s a G+ group as well.
bwhaynes Q: What are some of the business advantages of an OpenStack cloud?
@gallifreyan bwhaynes: compared to something else, or just abstractly?
bwhaynes Q: What are some of the business advantages of an OpenStack cloud?
@gallifreyan bwhaynes: compared to something else, or just abstractly?
CommsNinja questions? sounds like we have some interest in learning more here!
tnewshott I think I need to learn more just to know what to ask
tnewshott I’ll be there….
crajohnson Cisco Live social pass represent!!!
bwhaynes I will also be there at CiscoLive
CommsNinja sweet
CommsNinja wrapping up in 5–any last minute questions? We will work on deeper dives on the questions you do have!
tnewshott I would love to see some briefings on how OpenStack and APIC are going to play together
Carl_Niger i second that
bwhaynes good session, thanks 


Rachel Bakker

Social Media Advocacy Manager

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