#CiscoChampion Radio is a podcast series by Cisco Champions as technologists. Today we’re talking with Cisco Marketing Manager Bill Shields and Cisco Principal Engineer Jim Leach, about our recent UCS launch. Amy Lewis (@CommsNinja) moderates and AJ Kuftic and Chric Nickl are this week’s Cisco Champion guest hosts.
Listen to the Podcast.
Learn about the Cisco Champions Program HERE.
See a list of all #CiscoChampion Radio podcasts HERE.
Cisco SME
Bill Shields, @hightechbill, Cisco Marketing Manager
Jim Leach, @JamesAtCisco, Cisco Principal Engineer
Cisco Champions
AJ Kuftic, @ajkuftic, Enterprise Engineer
Chris Nickl, @ck_nic, Cloud Infrastructure Architect
UCS Launch Overview and Products
UCS Mini
UCS Director Announcement and how products align and converge
Deep Dive Tech Q&A
UCS power calculator tool
UCS e-series
UCS Mini
CommsNinja Questions from the audience? Let’s hear them!
chris_nickl i have some
ajkuftic go!
Maher If we build Saas type environment, using multi-tenant app. modules, do we still need virtualization?
ajkuftic Maher, did I get that right?
chris_nickl any other questions??
chris_nickl i’d see the CPU and memory limitations of the M-series being an issue
chris_nickl with VMware
bwhaynes UCS mini info at www.cisco.com/go/ucsmini
LaurenFriedman You mean the UCS E-Series sits IN the ISRs?
chris_nickl AJ?
P2Vme Phil_Jones Domain Controllers, local branch, maybe a hub/spoke distribution app for the branch offices etc
Maher Are you going to build a new kinda system that reflects the different needs of the applications that run at hyperscale?
@ccie5022 C Series storage. talk about the software on the box. BYO storage operating system