
cisco_champions BADGE_200x200#CiscoChampion Radio is a podcast series by Cisco Champions as technologists. Today we’re talking with Vice President, Collaboration Marketing at Cisco, Peder Ulander. Amy Lewis (@CommsNinja) moderates and Brad Haynes and Nicholas Marus are this week’s Cisco Champion guest hosts.

Listen to the Podcast.

Learn about the Cisco Champions Program HERE.
See a list of all #CiscoChampion Radio podcasts HERE.

Cisco SMEs
Peder Ulander, @ulander, Vice President, Collaboration Marketing at Cisco
Kim Austin, @ciscokima, Marketing Manager

Cisco Champions
Brad Haynes, @GK_bradhaynes, Client Solutions Specialist
Nicholas Marus, @nmarus, Collaboration Team Lead

Current state of Cisco Collaboration
How current business environment and new work style drive Collaboration solutions
Building a workflow around a human
Driving simplicity for users
New DX Desktop Series

bnarcum How is the Collaboration architecture working with other functional areas at Cisco like IoT/IoE?
ciscokima Most simply, all of the architectures build on the same network foundation.
swackhap How much “all wireless” are you seeing in the enterprise space now?
bnarcum Thanks Kim. Do you think simplicity needs to be the biggest focus in order to drive wide-scale adoption of collaboration technology?
CommsNinja Internet of Humans!
@gallifreyan I still think we should’ve called it the Internet of Stuff (IoS)
swackhap so iOS devices are part of the IoS that connecting using Cisco routers running IOS. Right?
Guest 12 so we put iOS devices on your IoS and route/secure it with IOS
bwhaynes any other questions?
vmcutlip Monthly Reoccurring Revenue always beats out a single purchase sales cycle
ciscokima @ulander


Rachel Bakker

Social Media Advocacy Manager

Digital and Social