Standards Play a Vital Role in Fueling Innovation

On Tuesday morning I was honored to represent Cisco in a roundtable discussion sponsored by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) about the role of the federal government in standards.  (Watch the webcast here.) Standards play a vital role in fueling innovation, promoting competition, lowering technology costs and accelerating market growth – particularly when […]

America’s Continued Lead in Innovation Requires Fixes to Flaws in Patent System

This week, in a remarkable speech to the National Academy of Sciences, President Obama laid out a bold vision for America to maintain its global lead in innovation. In his remarks, the President said, “Scientific innovation offers us a chance to achieve prosperity. It has offered us benefits that have improved our health and our […]

Critical Steps to Bolster UK’s Cyber Resilience: Insights for Policy Makers from Cisco’s Cyber Readiness Index

In the face of growing cybersecurity threats, UK policymakers have intensified efforts to protect the nation’s digital infrastructure. This blog looks at insights from the UK McPartland review and the interdependence between cyber security and economic growth.