Expanding global digital footprint – shaping the connected future

The rapid expansion of the global digital footprint — the number of Internet users and connections (end user devices and IoT) — requires enhancements in network performance across both fixed and mobile (cellular + Wi-Fi) networks. In addition, consumer and business applications will also need to be strengthened with new and evolving security measures. Here are some key observations and findings from the Cisco Annual Internet Report,

Profitable 5G: Rethink Normal. Reinvent the Network

The path to profitable 5G requires important decisions to be made in 5G core, trustworthy IP infrastructure, and an open radio approach. We must reimagine the end-to-end network. A 5G network transformation will require a trusted partner that is a cross-domain leader in Enterprise, Collaboration, IoT, Data Center, Security, AND SP Infrastructure.

Answering The Big Three Data Science Questions At Cisco

Data Science Applied In Business Today. In the past decade, there has been an explosion in the application of data science outside of academic realms. The use of general, statistical, predictive machine learning models has achieved high success rates across multiple occupations including finance, marketing, sales, and engineering, as well as multiple industries including entertainment, […]

Cisco’s Annual Internet Report Shows the Massive Growth of Europe’s Digital Future for EU Policymakers

Cisco’s Annual Internet Report (AIR) 2020 sets out the trends that will define our global communication networks for the next five years. As the European Commission sets out its strategy for a Europe “fit for the Digital Age,” the report provides insights into how the technology landscape across Europe will rapidly expand to over 2.2 billion mobile devices and 3.6 billion IoT connections by 2023.