
qrcode_EntAppI often find myself with colleagues and friends having an app discussion that at times feels like an exciting discovery session and other times feels like an “app showdown”. It’s either a case of “Wow, that’s cool”, or “My apps are better than yours”. I prefer the former discussion to the latter, because in the end we can all benefit from learning about new ways and new tools to make our day more productive, or our lives easier, or just a lot more fun!

Well, here’s an app that accomplishes all three of those goals – the new Cisco Enterprise Networks App. It will help you be more productive, because if you are interested in The Cisco Cloud Intelligent Network (CIN) and/or Cisco Unified Access (UA), you can focus on just those – in one convenient place.  Download it, and you’ll be able to access the latest CIN and UA videos, presentations, and product information and Cisco technology innovations as well as access to our social media channels. That’s bound to make your life a little easier!

While you’re journeying through the app, you’ll also notice challenges and trivia games. They are great ways to learn more about Cisco CIN and UA products and solutions. It’s popular, and fun! At CiscoLive London in January, we had 450 Trivia players with 12 prize winners. It served not only as a way to learn more, but also a nice, fun “break” in the action-packed CiscoLive event.  And, from now until March 31, 2013, you can take the Unified Access Customer Challenge, right from the app. By taking the challenge, you’ll have a chance to win one of 10 iPads or the grand prize: a trip to any Cisco location, which includes a “behind the scenes” Cisco tour, in addition to a tour of local points of interest.  

You can download the app which is available on iTunes or Google play, here, or scan the QR code, above.

It’s popular and road-tested.  Since the app launched last year, we’ve had over 10,000 downloads, with over 500 during the week of CiscoLive London in January.

So the next time you’re having an app chat with colleagues and friends, join the 10,000 others who are already using the app bring yourself and friends a new discovery moment with this new, cool app!


Frank Petkovich

Product and Communications Manager
