
The Electronic Health Record (EHR) has been in the news a lot lately –for some good reasons, and some not-so-good ones. But one thing is clear: The healthcare industry has come to rely on this technology, and we’re not going back.

While the financial rewards offered by the HITECH (Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health) Act may have been the catalyst for near-universal adoption of EHRs (by hospitals at least), providers—and patients—are now realizing the benefits. Studies show that well-functioning EHRs can help increase productivity, ease the exchange of information, and even aid in improving clinical outcomes. And although it’s no secret that some clinicians are frustrated with certain aspects of the EHR, very few want to stop using it altogether. (To the contrary, 75% of providers say they think it improves the quality of care.)

No doubt, EHR technology will grow and change over the next few years—and providers with have to evolve along with it. But with a solid EHR strategy and the right processes in place, every facility can benefit from the advances that digital systems bring to healthcare. Want to learn ways to make the EHR work for you and your organization? We’ve got six of them. Check out the SlideShare below to learn more.



Amy Young

Marketing Manager
