The IT team at the University of León was battling a huge issue with their wireless network. With increasing numbers of mobile users and devices, the campus wireless network was being pushed beyond its original capabilities. Inevitably, users’ experiences began to suffer. There had to be a better way.
After testing products from three separate vendors, University of León landed on Cisco access points. With Cisco Wireless, the university can now support 5,000 concurrent users with 100 percent coverage across the campus, yielding a 70% rise in wireless traffic.
Additionally, the wired and wireless networks are managed together with ease through Cisco Prime™ Infrastructure. With one single view and point of control, the IT team can locate and fix issues much faster than before. And they can proactively monitor and control the network usage and allocation.
With improved Wi-Fi, students and teachers have limitless possibilities for learning and teaching. Teachers now create and provide online resources for students, and students can access online learning resources on demand.
According to Francisco Perez Laorden, the Head of Communications at the University of León, “The new Cisco Wi-Fi infrastructure will change forever the learning lives of our students and teaching staff.”
To read more about the University of León’s implementation of Cisco technology, read the full case study here.