
Cybersecurity threats in the higher education community continue to rise at an alarming rate. Poor security strategies and the need for open learning environments make securing these institutions an even harder problem to solve. It is no longer a matter of whether or not you will be hacked, rather when. Higher education leaders are recognizing the need for a cybersecurity strategy that encompasses responsibility across the institution, from the boardroom to the classroom.

Join The Chertoff Group and Cisco on June 24th with a panel of higher education security experts to learn about:

  • The current higher education threat landscape
  • Trends and observations in higher education cyber threats
  • Methodologies on threat assessment
  • How to identify your unique areas of vulnerability
  • Best practices for enterprise risk management

We have convened an esteemed panel of subject matter experts to discuss the cyber risk confronting higher education today, including:

  • Pat Hogan, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, University of VA
  • Brian J. Tillett,  Principal and Director,  Cisco Cybersecurity Practice
  • Michael A. Wertheimer,  Former Director of Research, National Security Agency

Please be sure to attend the webcast where the panel will share their experiences and insights as well as answer questions. Register now and join us on June 24th to understand the current threat landscape your institution is facing and how to build a comprehensive security strategy to mitigate your risk.


Renee Patton

Former Global Director of Education and Healthcare

Global Industry Solutions Group