
Connected GridOne of the greatest changes taking place today in the energy industry is the increased need for information from every aspect of the grid. Utilities need detailed data to meet regulatory requirements and to understand the grid’s condition on a granular level. They need to understand the grid’s condition from moment to moment – helping to cost-effectively balance load and assure reliability.

The opportunities are huge: for example, at CES Cisco CEO John Chambers announced an update to the Internet of Everything (IoE) Value Index estimating that in addition to the $14.4 trillion of value at stake globally over the next decade for private sector through IoE, there is an additional $4.6T in in value at stake for the public sector over the next decade.  The connected grid is a component of this, and it has a lot of potential.

To help realize the opportunities in a connected grid, Cisco has a Unified Field Area Network (FAN) Architecture and Distribution Automation solutions that can extend the utility communications network out to the field and substation device. They help to enable a new level of secure manageability and control on a single integrated architecture.  To learn more about these, register for and join:

Distribution Automation: The Next Phase of the Smart Grid Network

In this webinar you will learn how Cisco is helping Utilities design and deploy an end-to-end communication infrastructure that creates greater value.  Technology experts will be on hand to answer your questions on Cisco FAN Architecture, distribution automation, security and incident response, as well as the future of utilities and IoT!


Lauren Friedman

Marketing Manager

Enterprise Networks