In just a couple weeks I’ll be headed to Melbourne for my very first Cisco Live “down under” and I absolutely can’t wait! #CLMel has long been on my bucket list to attend, and I was honored to be invited by the excellent DevNet Events team to come down this year. And if I’m going to be taking the 20+ hours on a plane to get there, I was definitely going to make the most of the trip!
Cisco Live Breakouts
I’m brining BRKCLD-1009: Micro-Service Applications for Infrastructure People to Melbourne. This is a session I have delivered a few times now to both Cisco Live audiences, as well as to internal Cisco audiences. During the session I break down what it means to be “Cloud Native” and help us all understand what exactly is going on in Micro Service application design and architecture that makes these unique animals require something a bit different from our infrastructure. But this year brings some new elements to the session. My venerated MyHero Demo Application has had some infrastructure updates and has been migrated onto a shiny new Kubernetes cluster. We’ll talk a bit about what was involved in re-platforming a modern application.

DevNet Zone Classrooms and Workshops
And if the amazing cloud breakout wasn’t enough, I’ve got a full set of DevNet Zone sessions lined up, including 2 BRAND NEW NetDevOps workshops where you can join me for some hands on exercises.
First up is one of my favorite talks to give, that is DEVNET-1725: How to Be a Network Engineer in a Programmable Age. This is an entertaining look at what it means to be a network engineer today. We review a bit of our history in a walk through the “Four Ages of Networking,” and explore the impact cloud and “digitization” has had on us. And new this year is an introduction to “NetDevOps” and what it will mean to networking in the future. Come join me and I guarantee you will hear both groans and loud laughs during the talk.

Next is a brand new session this year, DEVNET-1616: NetDevOps Style Configuration Management for the Network. In this new DevNet classroom we explore what exactly configuration management is, and what it offers us in the network. We’ll see how it will enable “Network as Code” approaches, and I end with a live demo where we’ll be leveraging Ansible to make “intent driven networks” a reality.
Which brings me to my hands on NetDevOps workshops for CLEUR. In DEVNET-1365: Vagrant Up for the Network Engineer and DEVNET-2203: Build a Network Configuration CICD Pipeline we’ll be getting hands-on with some real innovative approaches and techniques for network programmability. We’ll be learning how we can work just like software developers with live developer environments directly on our laptops with Vagrant, and then turn around and watch how Continuous Development practices can make our network configurations act like modern applications.

Last, but certainly not least, is probably the only Cisco Live session you’ll find that includes Chuck Norris. Yep, you heard that right, DEVNET-2320: Build a Spark Bot with Chuck Norris, Python and Docker is all about having a bit of fun while we dive in and understand what goes into building a chat bot. And while we’ll be leveraging Cisco Spark as our messaging platform, the architecture and approach we’ll use is relevant across any chat bot system.

Is it #CLMel Yet?
Wow… Cisco Live 2018 in Melbourne is going to be an amazing time, and I can’t wait to see everyone there. Let me know what you are most looking forward to.
For convenience, here are the links to my sessions again, register now!
BRKCLD-1009: Micro-Service Applications for Infrastructure People
DEVNET-1725: How to Be a Network Engineer in a Programmable Age
DEVNET-1616: NetDevOps Style Configuration Management for the Network
DEVNET-1365: Vagrant Up for the Network Engineer
DEVNET-2203: Build a Network Configuration CICD Pipeline
DEVNET-2320: Build a Spark Bot with Chuck Norris, Python and Docker
We’d love to hear what you think. Ask a question or leave a comment below.
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But when do we get to see the Aussie Captain Cloud stickers?
Always so eager… Captain Cloud, Carl and API Girl are all getting prepped for their trip down under 😉