Cisco Blogs / Uwe Grunewald
Uwe Grunewald
Account Executive bei Carl Zeiss AG
Uwe is a Director for and visited Cisco under NDA during May 2015 to exchange best practices. Though at ZEISS almost 40 years, almost half of this around the Internet, Uwe originally started with a background in physics. His last big project at Zeiss was as "Global rollout lead". In that position Zeiss rolled all new websites to 30 countries in 20 languages (on AEM). The biggest challenge was translation, review and localization according to Uwe. “As kind of a reward for this achievement I was challenged by my boss, SVP Corporate Communications, to find a shadowing position in one of the major digital brands in Silicon Valley.”
Don’t Be Arrogant
2 min read
The problem of the digital age for economy and society is not so much about the digitization of everything – it’s the exponential speed of the change. We human beings are not used to such a speed in all of our history. Companies who understand that, don’t feel comfortable at all anymore and act. So […]