
Sana Yousuf

Product Marketing Manager

Cisco Security

Sana Yousuf is a Product Marketing Manager for Cisco Security, responsible for a diverse set of threat-focused products and solutions that bring our security platform to life. She is passionate about telling stories about how companies are achieving security in an industry that's rife with incompatibility. She is responsible for marketing the strategic integration efforts that drive innovation and efficacy for the Cisco Security portfolio. Prior to Cisco, Sana held marketing roles for banking, telecom and cybersecurity companies including Citigroup, Vodafone and Armor. Sana has an MBA in Marketing and Strategy from Loyola College and a Bachelor of Science from VIT University. When not obsessing on cybersecurity and applying her marketing talents, she is an avid reader, candy snatcher, Marie Kondo aficionado, DIY enthusiast and record holder in binge watching TV shows.


December 18, 2019


Stealthwatch Enterprise and Cisco Threat Response: Bringing machine-scale analysis to human-scale understanding

5 min read

Want deep network analysis, to quickly understand the behavior of the threats you face? Read the blog to understand how Cisco Stealthwatch Enterprise integration with Threat Response brings advanced security analytics and accelerates key security operations functions: detection, investigation, and remediation in your SOC.

December 18, 2019


Combat Modern Day Plague in Security with Email Security and Cisco Threat Response Integration

6 min read

Learn how Cisco Threat Response automates integration across your security products, including Email Security to provide a seamless experience that serves as a foundation for fast, efficient incident investigation and response. Get contextual awareness and correlation with expanded insights needed to protect users from threats in the incoming emails.

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