
Russell Rice

Senior Director, Product Management

Secure Access and Mobility Product Group

Russell Rice is a Senior Director of Product Management in Cisco’s Secure Access and Mobility Product Group.  With over 17 years in the network security industry, he is currently responsible for the strategy, planning, partnering, and marketing of policy and remote access products (Identity Services Engine, Access Control Server, NAC Appliance, remote Access VPN & AnyConnect). In Cisco, he has held director and management roles in the security CTO office, security product management, and security technical marketing. He is an accomplished speaker at Cisco and security forums, and his teams were the architects for the SAFE network security best practice design guidelines. Before joining Cisco through acquisition, Russell was the Director of Engineering at Global Internet, developers of the first NT firewall. Prior to focusing on network security, he held marketing and engineering management positions at Dow Jones and ABB, as well as founding an Internet gaming company. Russell graduated from UC Berkeley with a bachelor's degree in computer science.


September 30, 2014


Greater Dynamic Controls for Secure Access and Mobility

3 min read

Businesses today are required to meet multiple challenges with respect to connecting users to applications. First, it is no secret that the demands of employees and users are great–they expect access to enterprise resources and their work via more mediums than ever before–by personal laptops, tablets and smartphones, both at home and on the road. […]

February 20, 2013


Cisco and Citrix Join Forces to Bring New Mobile Device Management Services to Market

Employees, and many business, want to allow personal devices to be used at work, and potentially for work. However, balancing that with corporate policies for information security, clear rights-of-use, liability, and then bounding it within an acceptable IT cost structure is no small feat. Cisco joined forces with leading MDM vendors to link together a […]