
Jeff Campbell

Senior Vice President & Chief Government Strategy Officer

Government Affairs and Public Policy

As Chief Government Strategy Officer, Jeff Campbell leads Cisco’s government relations worldwide. He manages a team that spans six continents and is charged with advancing issues that support Cisco’s robust corporate and technology policy agenda. This includes conferring with world leaders, important legislators, critical regulators, and industry stakeholders to shape public policies that foster innovation and emerging digital technologies, promote broadband adoption, and protect global competitiveness.

Passionate about bridging the “digital divide” and powering a more inclusive future, Jeff represents Cisco on the Board of Directors for the California Emerging Technologies Fund, which works to accelerate the deployment of broadband in unserved and underserved communities. He also sits on the Board of Directors for the Telecommunications Industry Association.

Jeff holds a Bachelor of Arts in History from Yale University and a J.D. from Georgetown University Law Center.


April 26, 2017


Statement of Cisco’s VP of Government Affairs Jeff Campbell On FCC Chairman Ajit Pai’s Vision for Updated Net Neutra …

1 min read

“FCC Chairman Ajit Pai today laid out his vision for revising net neutrality policy.  The proposal will review what is needed to protect consumers and prevent anti-competitive behavior, while rolling back Title II reclassification, which has inhibited investment. The balanced approach Commissioner Pai unveiled will encourage new investments in broadband networks and speed the development […]

June 14, 2016


Statement of Cisco’s VP of Government Affairs Jeff Campbell on DC Circuit’s Net Neutrality Ruling

1 min read

“Cisco is disappointed in the DC Circuit’s decision to uphold the FCC’s open Internet rules. We believe in an open Internet and that balanced rules to protect consumers and prevent anti-competitive behavior are necessary and appropriate.  But uncertain regulation under Title II, as provided for by the FCC and upheld by this court, diminishes the […]

October 29, 2015


Statement from Jeff Campbell Congratulating Paul D. Ryan On Becoming Speaker of the House

1 min read

On behalf of Cisco, let me congratulate Paul D. Ryan on becoming Speaker of the House. Over his tenure on Capitol Hill, Congressman Ryan has a proven track record of...

February 26, 2015


Cisco Statement on FCC Decision to Regulate the Internet

1 min read

“When the FCC Chairman’s office originally unveiled open Internet rules last year, Cisco cheered the proposal, because we support an open Internet and believe that balanced rules that protect consumers and prevent anti-competitive behavior are necessary and appropriate. Unfortunately, the rules adopted by the FCC today bear little resemblance to the original proposal. They impose […]

December 11, 2014


Statement of Jeff Campbell on FCC’s Order to Increase Funding for E-Rate

1 min read

Today’s decision by the U.S. Federal Communications Commission to increase funding for E-Rate represents a giant leap forward in fulfilling the goal of connecting every classroom in America to high-speed wireless Internet in the next five years. This is a truly landmark decision, the effects of which will be felt for a generation.  Not only […]

November 12, 2014


Statement of Jeff Campbell on Open Internet Rules

1 min read

Cisco supports an open Internet and believes that the FCC should adopt balanced rules without imposing the draconian regulatory requirements known as Title II. Heavy-handed regulation under Title II could significantly inhibit new investments in broadband networks and limit new innovation and business models. Consumers should have access to all legal Internet content.  But overly […]

November 11, 2014


Statement of Jeff Campbell on ITA Expansion

1 min read

“The agreement between the United States and China to expand the scope of the Information Technology Agreement represents a major breakthrough in the global trade agenda. This agreement is expected to eliminate duties on over 200 information and communications technology (ICT) product categories, representing approximately $1 trillion in annual global ICT sales. Now that the […]

May 15, 2014


Statement of Jeff Campbell on U.S. Federal Communications Commission Decision on Open Internet Proceeding

1 min read

Today’s decision by the Federal Communications Commission marks an important milestone in the effort to develop appropriate rules for an open Internet.  We at Cisco strongly favor a balanced approach that at once protects end users and content providers from unwarranted blocking, as well as drives innovation inside the network by allowing new technology and […]

February 5, 2014


Statement of Jeff Campbell on FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler’s E-Rate Announcement

1 min read

“Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler in his speech today made it clear that transforming the nation’s E-Rate program is one of his biggest priorities.  That is welcome news. The E-Rate program has done an incredible job of connecting 100,000 schools and libraries to the internet since its inception.  But technology has changed the way […]

July 19, 2013


Statement on FCC Effort to Modernize E-Rate

1 min read

In opening this rulemaking, the FCC has taken a major step toward modernizing the E-Rate program.   Since its inception 15 years ago, E-rate has connected over 100,000 schools and millions of children to the Internet in all 50 states.  It’s the cornerstone of America’s efforts to provide quality digital education to students, and its […]

May 22, 2013


Statement on the Senate Judiciary Committee Passage of Immigration Bill

1 min read

The immigration bill approved by the Senate Judiciary Committee last night represents a major step forward on high-skilled worker reform.  Our nation has a strong culture of immigration, and we...