
We thank all of those serving or who have served in the U.S. military.

We live freely today because of your sacrifice. CSR_veterans_1114

The holiday season has always been a time for family and gratitude. And it is fitting that we thank and honor our Veterans at the beginning of this season. We are humbled by your loyalty and the sacrifices you have made for our liberties, and privileged to work alongside you. The legacy you leave in the wake of your service inspires us all.

Our veterans have helped shape this country’s past and they are the heroes who safeguard our future. And while expressions of gratitude are admirable and appreciated, we must all do more to support their transition back into civilian life.


Here are a few great ways you can support our veterans:

  • Green Beret Foundation – The Green Beret Foundation provides immediate financial assistance to Green Berets who are injured in the line of duty, to their families, and to the families of our fallen brothers.
  • Operation Homefront – Operation Homefront offers financial and food assistance, repairs, and help to the families of our service members and wounded warriors.
  • Wounded Warrior – The Wounded Warrior Project helps raise awareness and enlists public aid for the needs of injured service members. It also helps injured service members assist each other, and provides unique, direct programs and services to meet the needs of injured service members.

We hope that you will take the time to research these organizations and find ways to become more involved. This season has only just begun; and in the midst of all our holidays and celebrations, let us think of those who have served this country. Here at Cisco, we encourage all our employees to pledge their support and donate to a mission—we hope you do the same.

To all the veterans, we remain forever indebted to your sacrifice and we honor your service. We will never forget your unwavering commitment and heroism.

Happy Veterans Day.



Patrick Finn

No Longer at Cisco