Next week in Las Vegas, NetApp’s annual conference devoted to the technology-curious storage and data management professional, including system engineers, professional services consultants, channel partners, and for the first time ever, NetApp customers. Cisco is an diamond level sponsor of the event and will have a very strong presence highlighting FlexPod, based on Cisco UCS integrated infrastructure and NetApp storage systems, Cisco ACI, and Cloud to more than 5000 attendees. We have several planned activities throughout the conference week, including keynotes, boot camps, breakout sessions, booth demos and more. The events agenda is posted here.
The highlight of the event will be the Cisco keynote given by Rob Lloyd, President, Cisco Development and Sales on Tuesday, October 28th. Arrive early – I am anticipating a full house for this presentation. As I mentioned earlier, we have a lot of good information to share and will have breakout speaking sessions, boot camps, and speaking sessions that highlight Cisco and NetApp’s technology alignment, leadership, and partnership and raise awareness of FlexPod solutions and momentum.
A list of our boot camps, breakout sessions, and theater presentations is below:
Boot Camps:
• Evolution of Cisco UCS Portfolio
• FlexPod with ACI Infrastructure: Current and Future Directions
Breakout Sessions:
• An Application-Centric Approach to Managing Your Infrastructure
• Build the Next Generation Automated Data Center with Cisco 9000
• MetroCluster on FlexPod with the Nexus 7000
• FlexPod Solutions with Cisco Application-Centric Infrastructure (ACI)
• Security on FlexPod Datacenter
• FlexPod Deep Dive
Expo Theater Presentation:
• Maximize Your Purchasing Power with Cisco Capital
Take advantage of this great opportunity to network with peers and stop by Cisco booth to learn about our products and solutions. I hope to see you in Las Vegas.