Nothing makes a product marketeer’s job easier than when customers send in their own video testimonials about how successful they have been using our products. Today’s video comes all the way from one of my favorite cities in the world, Buenos Aires.
Martin Cabrera and Fernando Vicens, Data Center Managers from Argentina-based service provider IPLAN share their experience with the Nexus 1000V virtual switch. Their key points are two of the things we always say about Nexus 1000V and we continually hear from our customers:
1) Nexus 1000V allows virtual network policy controls to remain with the networking team, and
2) virtual networks are easier to manage when they are a seamless part of the physical infrastructure (consistent management, visibility, etc.)
Take it away Martin and Fernando:
If you are interested in learning more about IPLAN services, their technology or their RINGO data center, look here:

A few notes on the video production: This was filmed by the customer themselves in their own data center facility and the audio was not great and required a great deal of noise reduction. A second video they submitted had so much machine noise that we could really use it, which was too bad, because they went on to say how Nexus 1000V allows them to offer such great services to their clients.
We were on a quick turn and limited budget, so I did the translation for the subtitles myself and ran it by a few native speakers as best we could. I spent several months in Argentina over the past year or so, but especially with the audio quality, I may have captured the spirit of the conversation and not the exact letter. A couple of us got a good laugh because just hearing the video we thought the name of the data center was “Gringo” (which is slang throughout Latin America, not just Mexico), not “Ringo” (I think they are Beatles fans).
As a reminder, we’ve been having great weekly technical webinars on Nexus 1000V virtual networking portfolio products. This week’s webinar is on our Virtual Multiservice Data Center architecture (VMDC), and next week is on Nexus 1000V for KVM with OpenStack. The full list of recorded webinars and future schedule can be found here.