Good Friends Say Goodbye as Prime Infrastructure Sunsets
3 min read
Cisco Prime Infrastructure is coming end-of-life after more than a decade of helping IT organizations manage their enterprise networks; learn about Cisco’s new platforms for Prime Infrastructure replacement.
Cisco is partnering with AWS to offer the ability to run Cisco DNA Center
3 min read
Cisco is partnering with Amazon to offer the ability to deploy and run Cisco DNA Center on AWS. Deploying Cisco DNA Center in the cloud helps organizations accelerate their digital transformation to the cloud.
You got legacy devices, we got Cisco DNA Center
3 min read
Do you still have legacy switching and wireless devices running in your network? Find out how to start using Cisco DNA Center today with your legacy devices and consolidate your monitoring tools.
Empowering the four IT personas using Cisco DNA Center with Rings of Power
5 min read
With the new IT landscape, four predominant personas have emerged in the networking arena. Learn about the NetOps, SecOps, DevOps, and AIOps personas and how to enable them using Cisco DNA Center.
Quick automation wins with Cisco DNA Center
4 min read
Network automation is top of mind for many IT organizations with automation being the key to scale operations. Cisco DNA Center provides many prescriptive automation options and workflows out of the box.