Cisco Blogs / Jesse Wayne
Jesse Wayne
Product Manager
Network Services Orchestrator (NSO)
Jesse is a Product Manager for NSO, primarily focused on NSO’s Core Function Packs.
Jesse started her career in tech support within the solar industry. After dabbling on both the hardware and software side of solar, Jesse returned to grad school for an MBA. While pursuing her degree, she found that her experience designing and deploying solar data systems had crossovers with the networking world and transitioned into a role as a Product Manager with Cisco. During her tenure at Cisco, Jesse has worked across diverse technology sets and scales; from small business physical routers to cloud-native network function orchestration for service providers. Her experience learning new technologies quickly, paired with her time on tech support, has ingrained in her the importance of simplicity and usability when building products. Jesse lives in San Francisco with her pit-lab mix, Molly.
Shift from On-prem to Cloud Networking Environments with CNFs
3 min read
Learn how Cloud-Native Network Functions (CNFs) represent the final step into cloud-based environments - breaking monolithic VNF applications into individual components. See how a cluster of CNFs can be used to create microservices, which run inside of containers and are managed by a Kubernetes-like lifecycle manager.