Cisco Blogs / Martin Hardee / Page 4
Martin Hardee
Martin Hardee is Director for, and spends his days and nights thinking about how to create great and useful experiences across the sites. Martin works closely with the talented design professionals across Cisco.
Before Cisco, Martin spent many years leading web experience design at Sun Microsystems where where he was active from the early days of web usability with usability guru Jakob Nielsen, grew the company's popular Java sites, and was then User Experience Director for Sun's many external web properties.
In his spare time, Martin rollerblades, spends time with his family, goes to a lot of live music and maintains
Some nice updates to and Mobile
1 min read
Over the last few months we’ve made some nice additions and improvements to We’ll be writing in more detail about these individually, but I’d thought I’d give a short recap. 1. Faster Downloads! We’ve had some big performance improvements in the download experience, both in terms of reducing the number of steps to get […]