Is polling data big data? A back-of-the-envelope calculation

For the past year Americans have read about polling data almost daily, so the casual observer may be forgiven for thinking there are mountains and mountains of data being collected to help make sense of this year’s unusual election. The truth is, though, that polling data is not big data, either in volume, velocity, or […]

Don’t Let Cool New Features Distract from Massive Disruption

If we saw ourselves as a leading on-premises UC system manufacturer, I’m not sure we would have ever introduced Spark at all. We’d be very wary of upsetting the applecart. Instead, we see ourselves as a collaboration business. Every day we come in thinking about how we can create the right collaboration tools, rather than thinking about just a better phone or the ultimate video conferencing system.

Cisco to Showcase Connected Rail Technology at InnoTrans 2016 in Berlin

Next week, Cisco and other industry leaders will flock to Berlin for the biennial transportation event InnoTrans 2016. The international trade fair for transport technology, highlights railway technology, railway infrastructure, public transport, interiors and tunnel construction as well as a new bus display area for transit vehicle manufacturers. InnoTrans will welcome nearly 135,000 attendees to […]

Cruising to Safer, Smarter Streets

Start Your Engines: Considering all the benefits emerging with the technology innovations of the digital age, it’s surprising that we see few changes to roadways, streets and vehicles that truly improve the driver experience and make roads safer. As a German, I more than appreciate the beauty of good driving. But how can we truly leverage innovative change and […]