October 31, 2023


Cisco’s Catalyst SD-WAN: Now available through Azure Marketplace Multiparty Partner Offers Program

2 min read

As a partner-led organization, with over 90 percent of our business conducted through Cisco partners, we are thrilled to be part of Microsoft's new Multiparty Private Offers (MPO) program. The MPO program empowers ISVs like Cisco and our partners to collaborate in creating customer offers and conducting transactions on Microsoft's Azure Marketplace.

October 31, 2023


Preventing E-Communication Fines in Financial Services

5 min read

$2.5 billion dollars worth of fines have been levied against financial institutions due to employees using unauthorized communication channels and not recording these communications. What can be done to try and prevent this from happening.

October 31, 2023


Determining the 10 most critical vulnerabilities on your network

4 min read

Learn how to take threat intelligence data available in Cisco Vulnerability Management and use it to uncover trends in Cisco Secure Firewall, uncovering new insights.

October 31, 2023


Collaboration Comes Together in San FranCISCO

3 min read

Mira M. discusses the culmination of a Cisco Marketing Internship: Readout Week and her other #LoveWhereYouWork moments from Intern Week in San Jose.

October 30, 2023


An Anchor in the Race

2 min read

The theme for DistiNext 2023 was Growing Together. This theme ties perfectly into our theme for Americas Distribution, Going Hypersonic to Fuel Partner Success.

October 30, 2023


Cisco Americas Partner Organization: Laser Focused on Customer and Partner Success

3 min read

The Americas Partner Organization (APO) at Cisco is where we put the “Cisco is partner-led” messaging into action, helping our America’s-based partners succeed by helping them deliver truly exceptional outcomes for our mutual customers.