
Meraki’s Dashboard is a powerful tool for network management and monitoring, but it’s limited by the very thing that makes it powerful. It has to be everything to everyone and that granularity can make it overwhelming to use on a day-to-day basis.  All enterprises, large and small, have their own way of doing things and this pertains to network management and monitoring as well.  This is where the power of Meraki’s Dashboard API comes into play.

The Meraki Dashboard API helps you manage and monitor what could be overwhelming network granularity.

45-minute webinar introduces you to the Meraki Dashboard API

On August 22nd at 11:00 AM EST, I will walk through everything you need to know to get started managing multiple organizations and the 1-to-N networks that fall under those organizations.  We will start with an introduction to the Meraki Dashboard so we have context for the domain we will be working within.

Then we will move into API documentation and specific resources you’ll need to take into consideration when taking on the task of managing multiple organizations via APIs and code.  After we have a comfort level with those APIs we will see how to actually implement those calls in code, and tie them into a collaborative automation framework that allows for seamless management and monitoring between multiple networks.

Now, if you’d like to do a little cursory research prior to this webinar, check out some of many Meraki resources available to you from DevNet:


Register now for the 45-minute webinar.


I can’t wait to see you all there! @theDeNap

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Matt DeNapoli

Developer Advocate - Meraki & CMX

Developer Experience