
January 10, 2018


Vulnerability Spotlight: Ruby Rails Gem XSS Vulnerabilities

1 min read

Talos has discovered two XSS vulnerabilities in Ruby Rails Gems. Rails is a Ruby framework designed to create web services or web pages. Ruby Gems is a package manager for distributing software packages as ‘gems’. The two XSS vulnerabilities were discovered in two different gem packages: delayed_job_web and rails_admin. Ruby is widely used as a […]

July 9, 2014


The Napkin Dialogues: Nexus Programmability, Part II

9 min read

When last we left our hero, he (that is, me, or I) was getting a crash course in Nexus programmability and trying to understand what all of this stuff meant. I had plied Jim* with beer in order to get him to explain to me – using the available napkins in the bar – what […]