
September 17, 2013


Cisco Named to Working Mother 100 Best Companies List

1 min read

As a working mom of two of the best and brightest kids (no bias here!) I couldn’t be prouder that Cisco again made the Working Mother 100 Best Companies list.  When you think about it though, “Mother” is a bit of a misnomer here. Really most Cisco employees, about 99 percent in fact, benefit from […]

August 21, 2013


The Role of Executives in Employee Engagement: Crossing Your T’s and Dotting Your I’s

3 min read

In our #ciscosmt Twitter chat yesterday, we talked about how to engage employees in social media. On a very high level, I presented the pillars of our program: identify, activate, recognize and measure. And previously, I blogged about a potential framework you can use for your own Social Ambassador program (that’s what we call our […]

International Woman’s Day: A Celebration for ALL Women

2 min read

On 8 March, thousands of International Women’s Day events have been planned throughout the world. The focus of the day generally expresses respect for ,and appreciation towards...