
As we like to do on TechWiseTV we got a chance to pick and choose among our favorite technologies being featured in this launch focus on the Digital Network Architecture. So as to avoid burying the lead, you will get a chance to experience Enterprise Network Function Virtualization (E-NFV), APIC-EM updates and demonstration, the network as a security sensor with a little Lancope update, changes to CMX now in a ‘cloud’ version, and end to end quality control for applications like Jabber…end to end QoS.

Coverage for all the recent Digital Network Architecture announcements could only be covered in two shows.

Quick hits:

Part 1 focused on the DESIGN:

Part 2 focused on the Security and Application SERVICES:

In a broader sense, our original focus was to illustrate a service-centric approach that enabled IT to focus on outcomes.

This approach would be accomplished through 3 areas you should see represented:

  • Insights that leverage network data and analytics for new business innovation and improved user experience.
  • Automation that simplified the network and sped up IT operations. Real-time network events that would drive changes to meet service level expectations
  • Security embedded everywhere with real-time threat detection and quick remediation to reduce risks.

Part 1, with a running time of 22:42 covered the benefits of a comprehensive design:

Part 2 was a little shorter at 17:02. We explore the flexibility offered by virtualized network services:

For more information:
We did two shows but we could not include everything…I cherry-picked what I wanted us to cover. To make sure you did not miss anything, your best bet is the overall architecture page.

Thank you to our guest experts and their knowledge:

  • Sachin Gupta, Understanding the Digital Network Architecture
  • Liad Ofek, Enterprise NFV
  • Ronnie Ray, APIC-EM Controller
  • Ramit Kanda, Easy QoS
  • Kinshuk Pahare, Security
  • Darryl Sladden, CMX



Robb Boyd

Producer, Writer, Host