
Laura Fay

Vice President

Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC)

Laura Fay

Vice President

Integrated Marketing Communications

Cisco Global Marketing and Corporate Communications


Laura Fay is Vice President of Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) within Cisco’s Global Marketing and Corporate Communications organization.

Under Laura’s leadership, IMC is responsible for campaign and promotional efforts to increase customer awareness through demand for Cisco products, services and solutions.  This includes development and amplification of Cisco’s brand campaign, Tomorrow Starts Here, global events strategy and execution, as well as seller-enablement programs and demonstrations to assist Cisco sales representatives and partners in their selling efforts.

Laura has successfully led a number of award-winning marketing, marketing communications and product marketing initiatives, since joining the company in 1993, at which time she was part of Cisco's first acquisition of Crescendo Communications. In 2013, she was honored as a finalist in a ‘Marketers that Matter’ awards program sponsored by the Sage Group and Wall Street Journal.

Laura is a member of Cisco’s EcoBoard and Women in Technology Action Network. She is also a member of the Communications Executive Council (CEC) and IT Services Marketing Association (ITSMA).  She is a frequent public speaker on the topics of marketing best practices and leadership.

Laura holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration from the University of California at Riverside and an MBA from Santa Clara University (with a dual concentration in marketing and managing technology and innovation).


May 29, 2014


CiscoLive – 25 Years and 25,000 People

1 min read

We celebrated 25 years of CiscoLive last week in San Francisco, with more than 25,000 people attending (live) to learn more about the power of the Internet of Everything and the value it will bring for years to come. My favorite part… a ‘dancing’ John Chambers as an intro and close to his opening keynote […]

March 17, 2014


Sales and Marketing in the Age of the Customer

2 min read

Several members of my team participated in this month’s Forrester Sales Enablement Forum, an annual conference where sales enablement professionals from around the world gather to discuss industry trends and best practices. This year’s theme: Drive growth with a 21st-century selling system, centered on strategies for surviving and thriving in “the age of the customer.” […]

January 21, 2014


CES 2014 – A Consumer Marketer’s Paradise

4 min read

Cisco had an amazing time at this year’s CES show in Las Vegas.  We announced: Cisco Videoscape Cloud Solutions – to open new revenue sources for service providers, helping them accelerate their business in an Internet of Everything (IoE) environment; Research disclosing $4.6 trillion in public sector market opportunity during the next 10 years; The […]