
Christine Liu

IT Analyst at Cisco Systems

Cisco CVC IT

Christine is a recent graduate from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo with a BS in Industrial and Packaging Technology. She is back in the Bay Area, currently working for Cisco Systems.

In her spare time, Christine runs packageless, a social venture dedicated to combating the problem of solid waste generation, specifically in regards to food and packaging waste. She was an H&M Sustainable Packaging Challenge Fellow with the DO School, and is currently incubating her venture with the social entrepreneurship program based in Berlin. Christine's long term vision is to open a local micro grocery store offering healthier packaging alternatives and sustainable community development opportunities, but for now, is on a journey to live a packageless lifestyle and is encouraging others to do so as well through her website and community initiatives.


January 26, 2016


3 Ways to Waste Less At Work

3 min read

“Be the change you wish to see in the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi Many millennials like myself are looking...