
September 29, 2022


Software End of Life…a reason to make a change

1 min read

Cisco has revised its software support End-of-Life policy for embedded OS and application software.

March 3, 2020


Creating More Agile and Upgradable Networks with a Controller-Based Architecture

5 min read

Controllers bring purposeful intelligence into an Intent-Based Network by acting as intermediaries between human operators specifying intents, and all the switches, routers, and access points that provide the required connectivity.

February 21, 2020


To Upgrade or Not Upgrade? That Should Not be the Question

3 min read

Do you ride old network software until it's unsupported or dead? Read about the benefits of maintaining up-to-date software and how they far outweigh the landmines of staying on old, unsupported versions.

April 11, 2014


The Price of Being First

3 min read

New technology is always exciting. There are always groups within the organization that have seen some product demo at a convention or user group and need that new functionality right now! But sometimes the infrastructure is not there to support it. Or it’s the first time this type of technology has been introduced into your […]