Biren Gandhi

August 24, 2017


Drones Rising from the Fog

2 min read

To cross into mainstream commercial use, drones need continuous connectivity. That’s where fog comes in.

March 7, 2017


Speech-Controlled Drones and Bots for Enterprises

1 min read

Cisco teams come together to make amazing things happen with speech-controlled drones and bots for the enterprise.

February 16, 2017


Solved: 7 Fatal Flaws of Innovation

4 min read

Want to innovate with a greater chance of success? Use these solutions to tackle the seven fatal flaws of innovation.

February 6, 2017


7 Fatal Flaws of Innovation

3 min read

Innovating in today’s world is more difficult than ever. Don’t let these seven innovation flaws get in your way!

January 24, 2017


Drones: Losing Altitude or Gaining Control

3 min read

How to analyze the commercial drone market? There are 2 crucial mistakes to be considered.

January 12, 2017


It’s Time to Rewind Your Innovation Strategy

2 min read

What are the lessons to be learned after the Coca Cola Founders program shut down? Biren Gandhi tells us how we can reflect upon our own innovation strategies.

November 7, 2016


Stuck in Traffic? Drones May Provide Relief

3 min read

Much has been made of the commercial potential of drones, yet actually implementing commercial drone applications seems to be mired in a complex web of unclear regulations and doubt about technical feasibility. While it may yet take a long time to work through the regulatory issues, Cisco is moving ahead with an ecosystem of partners […]

September 13, 2016


DIY Drones Spark Innovation in India

2 min read

Last month, as part of Cisco’s ongoing drone innovation efforts, I helped organize Cisco’s first-ever hands-on drone workshop for employees in our Bangalore office. “Drone Stars” was jointly sponsored by the Corporate Strategic Innovations Group and thingQbator, Cisco’s internal maker lab, which supports people in trying out new ideas.

May 18, 2016


There’s Never Been a Better Time for Drones to Save Lives

2 min read

“Can drones save lives?” It’s a question that many outside the drone industry might find startling. Much of the general public still perceives drones as being deployed primarily for aerial surveillance or attacks in times of war.  This view was certainly reinforced in the recent movie, “Eye in the Sky.” However, that’s a very narrow […]